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Masarykovo náměstí 12, 393 01 Pelhřimov

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Sights - Castles

Distance: 10 km

GPS: 49° 25' 51"N 15° 13' 19"E

A Baroque chateau, originally a Renaissance chateau, built by Adam of Říčany on the periphery of the town fortifications. In the second half of the 17th century adapted to the city hall, in the 18th century rebuilt in the Late Baroque style. A horologe placed in the little tower on the roof of the building. On the ground floor cross vaults, on the first floor a former banqueting, later court hall with ceiling paintings. The history of the Pelhřimov region, personages of the region, art collections


 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 7 of 9.
10 km

Pelhřimov ico

A Baroque chateau, originally a Renaissance chateau, built by Adam of Říčan

10 km

Pelhřimov ico

The town is situated in the western part of Českomoravská vrchovina (the Cz

14 km

Orlík nad Humpolcem ico

A castle ruin from the 14th century, enlarged in the 15th and the 16th cent

15 km

Vodní ráj Jihlava ico

The indoor part of the bathing place – with a large recreation pool, a whir

16 km

Jihlava ico

One of the oldest mining towns in the country was founded in the mid-13th c

17 km

Zoo Jihlava ico

The zoo is situated in a picturesque valley of the Jihlávka river. In the a

21 km

Lipnice ico

A sizeable castle, founded in early 14th century, rebuilt in the Late Gothi