Entertainment - Zoo
Distance: 6 km
GPS: 50° 26' 04"N 15° 47' 58"E
You will see the widest collection of African animals in Europe; you will take a riding on a double-deck bus on a real African safari tour among herds of antelopes, zebras and gnus. We select from pavilions and exhibits: a carnivore pavilion, tropical swamps, a bird world, the primeval time in the eye of Zdeněk Burian, the Dinosaur World, a flamingo pavilion and bird house, water worlds, an African savannah, an okapi pavilion, a tamarin pavilion, a primate pavilion and a meerkat pavilion. Accept also the offer of an African safari tour – you will see almost two hundred animals that you will observe from a double-deck safari bus. You can expec ...