Campsites - Jeseníky mountains

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Ceska republika Region Praha Plzensko Sumava Zapadoceske lazne Severozapadni Cechy Cesky sever Cesky Raj Krkonose Vychodni Cechy Severni Morava a Slezsko Stredni Morava Jizni Morava Vysocina Jizni Cechy Okoli Prahy Západní Tatry Jižní Východní
Česká republika
Zapadočeské lázně Český sever Krkonoše Severní Morava a Slezsko
Severozápadní Čechy Praha Český ráj Střední Morava
Plzeňsko Okolí Prahy Východní Čechy Jižní Morava
Šumava Jižní čechy Vysočina
Západní Tatry Jižní Východní



Opavská 1357/74, 73942 Rýmařov-Janovice

Places without connections/place without connectionsRooms without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

rekreační areál Bohušov

rekreační areál Bohušov

Bohušov 115, 79399 Bohušov

The Bohušov camp and recreational area offers accommodation in tents, caravans and cottages. Available: 20 three-bed cottages with possibility of extra bed. There is a shower, toilet, washbasin and sink in ever...

Places without connections/place without connectionsBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

autocamping Bobrovník autocamping Bobrovník

autocamping Bobrovník

648, 79061 Lipová Lázně

The Autocamp and its nearby Bungalows lay within the Bobrovnik recreational area between the village of Lipova-Lazne and the town of Jesenik.With year-round service, the Autocamp offers a choice of motel rooms ...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

Račí údolí

Račí údolí

Uhelná 126, 79070 Javorník

The recreational facility Račí údolí is located on the upmost northern part of Moravia and Silesia. The guests can accommodate in cottages, multiple-bed rooms and rooms with social facilities. The facility off...

Bungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities



holiday resort Losinka holiday resort Losinka

holiday resort Losinka

U Koupaliště 532, 78814 Rapotín u Velkých Losin

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

autokemp Budišov autokemp Budišov

autokemp Budišov

Nábřeží 688, 747 87 Budišov nad Budišovkou

Our camping site Budišov is suitable especially for holidays of families with children and lovers of nature, mushroom picking and cycle tourism. We offer a peaceful and clean environment to rest and relax.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilitiesEquiped tents to rent

ranč Orel

ranč Orel

Polská 605, 79081 Česká Ves

Eagle Ranch is located in almost untouched nature in Jeseniky. Accommodation is in stylish wooden chalets or your own tents. There is a restaurant Steak saloon and pool. Possibility of horse riding.

Bungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

rekreační středisko Rudoltice

rekreační středisko Rudoltice

Sobotín 89, 78816 Petrov nad Desnou

Accommodation in cottages equipped with kitchen. There is an outdoor fireplace and skittles.

Bungalow without sanitary facilities

autokemp Podhradí

autokemp Podhradí

Komenského 163, 749 01 Vítkov

You can stay in bungalows or log cabins, or you can use your own recreational trailer or tent. The camp features a restaurant with outside terrace, a kiosk, and a small-boat rental store.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilities

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Opavská 1357/74, 73942 Rýmařov-Janovice

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chatová osada U lesa chatová osada U lesa

Vranovská přehrada - pláž 680, 67102 Šumná
chatová osada U lesa

South Moravia, national park Podyjí, Znojmo region, Vranov reservoir: In this locality cabins and bungalows of the bungalow court U Lesa are located. ...

autocamp Free Star Strachotín

Šakvická 3, 693 01 Strachotín
autocamp Free Star Strachotín

Camping site is located in a small village, Strachotín, in the Břeclav district, directly on the banks of the Novomlýnské reservoirs, under Pálava. Th...

Last minute / offers campsites

camping Frymburk Lipno
Come and have a relax

Campsite is located in a beautiful area of Sumava mountains by the Lipno Lake. They offer many trips, bike tours, activities for children ...

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camping Frymburk Lipno
Holiday at the Lipno lake

Camping is situated directly at the Lipno lake in South Bohemia. Camping is suitable for families with children and also for couples.

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Where to spend a vacation with your children?

Can you imagine a campground where you only see your children when it’s time for a snack or lunch? Yes, these campgrounds do exist in the Czech Republic. Full story

Comments | Rating

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Camping name Date Text Foto Rating
autokemp Olešná6.11.2023508,7
Naprostá spokojenost. Ideální místo na dovolenou pro aktivní rodiny a děti. My jsme si půjčili šlapadla a padleboary a taky longboardy a koloběžky a objeli celou přehradu. Nemohli jsme nenavštívit aquapark a děti byli i v hlídacím...
kemp Ostrov Zadní Třebaň9.7.202310 
Zaplatíte 20 Kč ve sprše,abyste - nahá - zjistila, že voda neteče.. Pitná voda jen v jednom kohoutku,fronta....a po napuštění zjistíte, že smrdí nějakou "sírou...Jinak kemp v pěkném prostředí, škoda, že správce si víc nehledí své ...
autocamping Velký Vír9.7.202346 
Jedna velká katastrofa! Že je kemp svažitý jsme četli,ale... Sprchy hrůza,toalety smrad,neuklizeno,toal.papir neexistuje,kontejnery smrděly všude, občerstvení nedostatečné, absolutně nezvládnutá organizace, pláž špinavá,bez toalet...