Campsites - Pardubice

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Ceska republika Region Praha Plzensko Sumava Zapadoceske lazne Severozapadni Cechy Cesky sever Cesky Raj Krkonose Vychodni Cechy Severni Morava a Slezsko Stredni Morava Jizni Morava Vysocina Jizni Cechy Okoli Prahy Západní Tatry Jižní Východní
Česká republika
Zapadočeské lázně Český sever Krkonoše Severní Morava a Slezsko
Severozápadní Čechy Praha Český ráj Střední Morava
Plzeňsko Okolí Prahy Východní Čechy Jižní Morava
Šumava Jižní čechy Vysočina
Západní Tatry Jižní Východní

kemp Marina Týnec nad Labem kemp Marina Týnec nad Labem

kemp Marina Týnec nad Labem

Bělohorská 645, 281 26 Týnec nad Labem

Marina is a recreation complex for boat and caravan crews in the beautiful Týnec Elbe Basin. A recreation complex for tents and caravans is available. Accommodation is also possible in mobile homes.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilitiesmobile homesCaravans to rent

Marin kemp Marin kemp

Marin kemp

poloostrov Mělice , 535 01 Mělice u Přelouče

On a picturesque peninsula in the centre of a sandy lake. A possibility of camping in tents or caravans or taking lodgings in attic rooms or a modern pension.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

camping U Třpytky

camping U Třpytky

Mělice 57, 53501 Přelouč

The camping site is situated on the bank of a lake and is divided into two parts, of which one is for nudists. In addition to fishing and sunbathing on the beach, it offers a snack bar and sports activities – v...

Places without connections/place without connectionsBungalow without sanitary facilities

autokemp Semín

autokemp Semín

, 535 01 Semín

There is a pond in the autocamp. Accommodation available: own tents and caravans. One can rent a cottage or caravan. Sports activities: volleyball, table tennis, cycling.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesCaravans to rent

camp Hluboký

camp Hluboký

Podlesí 89, 53401 Holice

Situated near the main road E 35, route from Hradec Králové - Brno, less than 3 km from the town centre Holice. For your accommodation 33 cottages with 4 beds and 10 cottages with 3 beds are ready. All cottages...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities



autokemp Buňkov

autokemp Buňkov

Ke Hřišti , 535 01 PŘELOUČ

The camping Buňkov can be found at the pond of the same name in the edge of Břehy village, which is situated in the east of Bohemia, approximately 2 km on the north of Přelouč town and 18 km on the west of Pard...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilitiesCaravans to rent

Selected from all country

Tatranec camp

, 05960 Tatranská Lomnica
Tatranec camp

The resort of TATRANEC is situated in the entrace part of Tatranská Lomnica next to the road from Poprad to Tatranská Lomnica. It is large grounds wit...

camping La Provence

Plzeňská ul. , 354 71 Velká Hleďsebe
camping La Provence

Camping La provence is located on the edge of Marienbad directly at the forest. If you are interested in spa treatments, it is possible to provide a f...

chatová osada U lesa chatová osada U lesa

Vranovská přehrada - pláž 680, 67102 Šumná
chatová osada U lesa

South Moravia, national park Podyjí, Znojmo region, Vranov reservoir: In this locality cabins and bungalows of the bungalow court U Lesa are located. ...


Where to spend a vacation with your children?

Can you imagine a campground where you only see your children when it’s time for a snack or lunch? Yes, these campgrounds do exist in the Czech Republic. Full story

Comments | Rating

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Camping name Date Text Foto Rating
holiday park Vranovská pláž15.8.202119128,0
Moc pěknej kemp. Rodina s dětmi se tam rozhodně nudit nebudou. Bohužel v řádu mají napsáno domácím mazlíčkum není vstup povolen, ale poslední dva roky se nato vůbec nekouká. Letos tam bylo psích vykalu docela dost. Bohužel. Samozř...
camping Oase Praha8.8.202225119,9
super camp... vse uplne podle predstav pro kempovani s rodinou... vyziti pro deti... tak i relax pro rodice... naprosta spokojenost
kemp Lodín6.8.20221279,6
Kemp je malý ale strašně příjemný personál super koupání taky.