Vystrkov 179, 26272 Kozárovice
At Hotel Orlík, we have an autocamp in operation all year round and we look forward to your visit with a caravan or motorhome. During your stay, you can use the hotel restaurant, our wellness center and the spo...

Křečovice 100/100 Křečovice, 25601 Nova Zivohost
Nová Živohošť – The public camping site is situated on the right bank of Slapské jezero (Slapy Lake) 25 km from Benešov.

Drhleny 31, 29402 Kněžmost
Campgrounds is located in the heart of the Bohemian Paradise near the village Kněžmost, about 20 km from Mlada Boleslav.
It offers facilities for a family holiday in your a tent or a caravan.

U Elektrárny 545, 252 46 Vrané nad Vltavou
Secure, peaceful family camp site with children and senior citizens at heart, in a lovely mountain valley. On the banks of the River Vltava. Direct train to central Prague in 20 minutes. Small station within wa...
