Poděbrady , 29001 Poděbrady
, 27723 Kokořínský Důl
Campsite is located in the Kokorin valley near the castle of the same name. Accommodation is available in own tents. There is a well with non-potable water.
Průmyslová 333, 28506 Sázava
Čížovka 20, 294 02 Kněžmost
The area is located in the heart of Bohemian Paradise, approx. 20 km from Mladá Boleslav. Accommodation available: cottages and apartments. Boarding in the canteen. Swimming pool, tennis court, volleyball playg...

Samopše 037, 286 07 Sázava
The summer recreation centre is situated on the right bank of the Sázava River. There are seven 4-bed chalets (bunk beds) in the recreation centre. Camping in tents is also possible by agreement over the teleph...

Rumburská 44, 27721 Liběchov
The Zahrada (Garden) camp is situated in Liběchov village near Mělník. Accommodation is available in 5 four-bed chalets. There is volleyball, beach volleyball and football tennis court, table tennis and petanqu...
Prosenice 8, 26401 Sedlčany
The camping site is situated in the Prosenice u Sedlčan village. Accommodation is available in tee-pees or your own tents. There is a snack bar, a climbing wall, a trampoline, a sports ground, and a horse and b...