Campsites - South Bohemian ponds

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Ceska republika Region Praha Plzensko Sumava Zapadoceske lazne Severozapadni Cechy Cesky sever Cesky Raj Krkonose Vychodni Cechy Severni Morava a Slezsko Stredni Morava Jizni Morava Vysocina Jizni Cechy Okoli Prahy Západní Tatry Jižní Východní
Česká republika
Zapadočeské lázně Český sever Krkonoše Severní Morava a Slezsko
Severozápadní Čechy Praha Český ráj Střední Morava
Plzeňsko Okolí Prahy Východní Čechy Jižní Morava
Šumava Jižní čechy Vysočina
Západní Tatry Jižní Východní

autokemp Sever autokemp Sever

autokemp Sever

Chlum u Třeboně 443, 378 04 Chlum u Třeboně

The Sever camp is located ashore of Hejtman pond. Accommodation available: four-bed cottages, own tents or caravans. Possibility of boarding, two playgrounds, ping pong tables, corner for children, meadow for s...

With electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities

kemp Březák

kemp Březák

břeh rybníka Hejtman , 37804 Chlum u Třeboně

Smaller family campsite located alongshore sandy pond. There are places for tents and campers available (230V connection). Possibility of making a fire.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities



Staňkov 6 6, 37806 Staňkov

The caravan site is situated in the protected landscape area of Třeboňsko right on the bank of a pond 7.5 km long and very suitable for fishing. Almost the whole bank is surrounded by the forest for walking wit...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionWith water connectionWith drainage connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

autocamping Bezdrev autocamping Bezdrev

autocamping Bezdrev

Bezdrev , 37341 Hluboká nad Vltavou

Camping Bezdrev is located in a quiet forest environment at the second largest pond in Czech republic, close to Hluboká nad Vltavou. The surrounding is full of cycling and tourist trails and attractive tourist ...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionWith water connectionWith drainage connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilitiesEquiped tents to rent

sportkemp Doubí

sportkemp Doubí

Branná 108, 379 01 Třeboň

It neighbours upon the Opatovice pond – the possibility of bathing, boat rides. The camp is situated in the shadow of aged oaks. Cycle tracks begin just behind the camp and are led all over the surroundings of ...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionWith water connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilitiesCaravans to rentEquiped tents to rent



autocamp U čerta

autocamp U čerta

, 37804 Chlum u Třeboně

Camping U Čerta (At Devil’s) is located approximately 1 kilometre away from the town of Chlum u Třeboně at the northern bank of Hejtman’s pond. Here you can find out excellent conditions for bathing, fishing, c...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

autokemp U Kosů

autokemp U Kosů

61, 345 61 Staňkov

The campsite U Kosů (At the Blackbirds’) caravan camp offers accommodation on the bank of Staňkovský rybník (Staňkov Pond) in the beautiful countryside near Třeboň.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesCaravans to rent

autokemp Kapřík autokemp Kapřík

autokemp Kapřík

131, 37804 Chlum u Třeboně

The Kapřík caravan site is divided into two areas; one area is the camp site right on the bank of the pond of Hejtman and the second area is a camp site at a distance of about 100 meters from water. Accommodati...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities

kemp Na Borkách

kemp Na Borkách

Slověnice , 37372 Lišov

The camp site is situated on the bank of the pond. You can use seating on the glass-walled terrace with a fire place, the kiosk or the food shop at the camp site. A sports ground, a table tennis court and a bic...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities

privat camp U Pavlisů privat camp U Pavlisů

privat camp U Pavlisů

Františkov 82, 37806 Suchdol nad Lužnicí

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities

Selected from all country

pension a camp Vyhlídka

Stará Oleška 136, 40502 Stará Oleška
pension a camp Vyhlídka

In the beautiful area of Bohemian Switzerland, close to Olešský Pond. It is a great starting point for walking, cycling tours and trips by a car. It i...

caravan camping Horní Planá caravan camping Horní Planá

Caravan camping , 38226 Horní Planá
caravan camping Horní Planá

The campsite is situated right on the bank of the Lipno Lake, on the peninsula in the lower part of the picturesque town of Horní Planá. There are a ...

autocamping ROZKOŠ autocamping ROZKOŠ

Třída.T.G.Masaryka 836, 55203 Česká Skalice
autocamping ROZKOŠ

Camp is situated at the northern bank dam reservoir Rozkoš near international road E67. Offers accommodation ( cottages, dormitory, bungalow, place fo...

Last minute / offers campsites

camping Oase Praha
Family camping near Prague

Ideal camping for visitting Prag and families with small children. Trips to Prague with English-speaking guide.

More about this offer

camping Oase Praha
What about Prague?

We accept the ADAC and ADAC Sparkarte 25.5.-1.7. and 26.8. - 3.9.2022.

More about this offer


Where to spend a vacation with your children?

Can you imagine a campground where you only see your children when it’s time for a snack or lunch? Yes, these campgrounds do exist in the Czech Republic. Full story

Comments | Rating

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Camping name Date Text Foto Rating
autocamping Na Špici29.6.2011123 
Kemp je nádherný,čisťoučký,klidný a bezpečný pro děti.Personál ochotný,jídlo moc chutné,ceny fajn. Škoda jen,že bez možnosti koupání pro málé děti. Stačilo by málé brouzdaliště.Děkuji za pěkný pobyt
kemp Oáza13.9.201312 
Velmi příjemný rodinný kemp. Bazén,kuchyňka,pěkné a čisté sociální zařízení.
Villa Betula Camping 19.12.201311 
Pěkný přírodní camping u Liptovské Mary. Poblíž jsou Západní Tatry a také Velký Choč, takže camping je skvělou výchozí pozicí pro lehkou i nároční horskou turistiku. V areálu bylo vše čisté a pečlivě upravené. Navíc je tu blízko k...