Nad Přehradou , 73801 Frýdek-Místek
Autocamp Olešná is located approximately twenty kilometers from Ostrava in the recreational zone of the Olešná dam with a view of the Beskydy Mountains. Resort Olešná is an ideal place for summer holidays, corp...

162, 739 91 Dolní Lomná
Autocamp "U viaduktu" is situated in one of the most beatiful valley in Beskydy mountain, Lomná. Lomná is well know turist resort with lot of attraction, beatiful forests, crystal clear brooks and river. This p...

Bystřička 239, 75624 Bystřička
Chalets situated near the Bystřička Lake in a picturesque valley of Vsetín Mountains. Accommodation in cottages with basic facilities, shared showers and toilets.

Kněhyně , 75656 Prostřední Bečva
The TOSKA recreation centre offers year-round accommodation in 12 equipped chalets with a total capacity of 70 beds.
